Hello! First of all I'd like to thank you sincerely for stopping by my little blog, it means a lot that you've found me in this big, scary world that is the internet eeek!
So... my name is Lucy, I am 16 years old and I currently reside in a small town in Lincolnshire, England. Although the town is small and slightly boring I really like how comforting and tranquil it is. Someday I dream of moving away to somewhere hot, but deep down I know that my 'home' will always be here.
I've decided to start this little blog about my life/beauty/fashion as I absolutely love wasting hours away reading other peoples posts about their favourite products and all the interesting things they've been up to.
Thank you SO much for reading my first ever post (eeeek) and I really hope you stick around to read some more of my ramblings!