Wednesday 7 January 2015

The Return of Just Little Lucy

For the first 6 months of 2014 my blog was something I felt incredibly passionate about. I was keen to tell everyone around me that I was the owner of a "Semi-sort-of-not-really successful" blog, my friend's began addressing me as "Just Little Lucy" and I'd even developed my own hashtag (thanks to the help of my biggest fans, Amber and Maisie). However, by the time June rolled around my ideas begun to run dry. My blog lay at the back of my mind, collecting dust and feeling unloved. That is until now...

My plan is to blog as much as I possibly can (hopefully throughout the whole year, not just the first 6 months...). I am going to document my final few months of school, my potential departure for University or maybe even the beginnings of a gap year. Basically, from now on this blog is going to be more lifestyle based rather than the beauty blog I attempted to be.

I hope you're glad to have me back, would love to hear what you've all been up to!