Wednesday, 30 July 2014

35mm of love

A cringey blog title? Or just pure genius? I'm currently undecided so I'll let you be the judge on this occasion.

If you know me in real life than I am sure you are all too aware of my obsession for photography and all things related. I've always got some kind of camera with me and take every opportunity to capture some images.

Lately I've been trying to expand my knowledge from your average digital formats of work to some more traditional methods, including SLR 35mm photography. The camera that I own is an Olympus OM10 that I managed to find on eBay (featured in this post here). I literally had no idea what I was looking for and simply took a blind guess and purchased one of the cheapest film cameras I could find. Since this blind guess I have found out that the OM10 is one of the most reliable cameras both in the modern day and the era that it was first introduced. A successful gamble to say the least.

Here is a selection of my favourite images from the most recent roll of film I got developed...

Everyday essentials 

Maisie (from whatmaisiewore) took this one but I loves it!

I hope you enjoyed this picture filled post, do let me know if you would like to see more of my film experimentations.


  1. Good choice with that camera, what a lucky gamble! The photos look amazing!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  2. That's what I call a gamble that pays off - it's taken some brilliant photos. And you have a big thumbs up from me for photography posts! :)
