Saturday, 5 April 2014

What I've been up to

Hello everyone! Life has been so crazy just recently I've barely had a chance to breathe let alone sit down and write a blogpost, for that I apologise, but with half term beginning this week and the looming summer I hope to find more time to ramble on here. To fill you in on all of the exciting things I have been up to I compiled a post of all my latest goings on....

The vast majority of my time has been spent on my photography exam over the past few weeks, I am sure any A level art student can sympathize with me how much work creating an exam project is, damn I thought I was never going to get those sheets finished! But I lived to tell the tale and thankfully I handed all of my work in on Friday. Success.

Sticking on the photography theme I shot at my first 'event' a few weeks ago. This was such a huge oppuritunity for me as I have dreamt of shooting at a gig for so long (combining my love for music and photography, could I find a better career? I think not.) I was so nervous that I was going to mess up and not get any good shots, thankfully this didn't happen and I managed to get some (dare I say it...) decent images. They can be found on my flickr page here.

During the little free time I've had I have been enduring a netflix binge. I finished breaking bad and moved onto vampire diaries. I'm pretty sure anyone that has communicated with me for more than 10 minutes have been made aware of my love for the Salvatore brothers. No spoilers please but I would love to know if you're team Stefan or Damon as I just can't make my mind up! (I'll take both.)

So that is a brief run down of my life over the past 2 weeks! What have you all been up to?

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