Sunday, 29 June 2014

A Dr. Martens love story

I've always been a rather large shoe fan, taking up the most room in my households shoe shelf, and more recently taking over the whole thing with my expanding collection. I have inherited this shoeaholic gene from my mother, and like all hand-me-downs you've just gotta appreciate it am I right?! I get a legitimate buzz out of buying bits of rubber to place on my feet so where is the harm in that!

And so this brings me onto my latest love. I first saw this pair of Dr. Martens a few months ago, i instantly fell in love, however the hefty price tag was out of my reach. I made a mental note to keep checking the website to see if they would be reduced in the end of season sale. After a long stint of eBay searching, page refreshing and bookmarking I finally found a sale pair, I was also able to get student discount which made them affordable woohoo! 

They are an off-white beige colour, very versatile for both summer and winter. I just know that I am going to get so much wear out of these and I'm pretty sure they are going to see me through a good few years of adventures. 

Here's a bonus OOTD for you, I had planned a location to take these pictures on but sadly the english weather let me down, my back garden will have to do!

Do you have a shoe obsession?

Lucy x


  1. I love these shoes! I really want a pair of Dr Martens like this, but I've also found a really nice pair of Vagabonds and I'm deciding between the two. I was pretty set on buying the Vagabonds but now this post has made me doubt myself, I really love this style of shoes!x

    1. Vagabonds are cool, but I'm personally more of a Dr Martens person, they're so comfy! Thanks for commenting :) Lucy x

  2. The photos on your blog are fantastic! you are so talented

    Jennos Health.
